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It’s That Time Of Year Again! Spring Cleaning Begins With Your Air Conditioner

When planning for Spring Cleaning, many people often forget to include the air conditioning system in their to do list. Air conditioners need a lot of care; just like other items around the house. This is because AC machines contain air filters which trap dust and airborne impurities. With time, the dust can accumulate and pose a serious health risk if it goes back into the air supply system. Therefore, spring cleaning should also focus on cleaning the entire HVAC system. The following are some air conditioning maintenance tips for springtime cleaning.

Spring Cleaning Tips

Frequent air filter replacement is an important part of AC maintenance, so homeowners should take advantage of springtime cleaning to replace the air filters in their furnaces and air conditioners. This will help to extend the life of the HVAC system, increase efficiency and reduce breakdowns. In addition to that, replacement of filters will also improve indoor air quality.

The cabinet underneath the evaporator fins in most air conditioners has a drainage hole. If this tiny hole gets clogged, the device will not work properly. When doing your spring cleaning, be sure to check the hole and clear it using a paper clip, wire or needle.

The dehumidifier in your AC should also be opened and allowed to dry completely. You can use a vacuum machine to remove dust from the device. This will enhance its ability to extract excess moisture from air. If you have fans around the house, you may also want to clean the blades and blow dust from the motor. Be sure to switch off all fans before you start cleaning.

Save Money With This Tip!

In addition to the cleaning and maintenance works on the AC system, you can also check the window and door frames in the house for gaps. These are the spaces that let in cold drafts from the outside during winter or hot air during summer. Sealing these gaps using tape, or any other technique, will save you money throughout the year. It may be a simple measure, but the impact can easily be felt through reduced utility bills.

Before you embark on spring cleaning, remember that your air conditioning system also needs a little bit of work. Be sure to also test the entire system to ensure that everything is working properly.


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